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Introducing The Latest Oracle ACE Director (Aces High) October 10, 2008

Posted by Richard Foote in Oracle ACE Director.

I’ve just found out over the past couple days that a nomination for me to be made an Oracle ACE Director has been accepted by Oracle Corporation. It’s always pleasing to have your efforts acknowledged and appreciated by the Oracle community and so it’s really nice to be recognised in this manner by Oracle.

The Oracle ACE Program was setup a couple of years ago to publicly recognise and I guess reward and encourage people to share their technical knowledge and skills with the wider Oracle community. Anyone can be nominated to be an Oracle ACE and a committee review and accept nominations based on the candidate’s credentials. An Oracle ACE Director is someone who is not only recognised for past efforts and achievements but is also willing to commit themselves to ongoing participation and involvement in assisting the Oracle community.

For me the most exciting aspect of being an Oracle ACE Director is that it will hopefully open up opportunities to attend and participate in more events and conferences both at home and overseas. Australia is a difficult place from and to which to travel and this will hopefully enable me to “spread my wisdom” to more unsuspecting souls and to both meet and learn from more people. For example, Oracle Open World next year is now a distinct probability.

I would like to thank Daniel Morgan who nominated me and also my fellow Australian Oracle ACE Directors Marcel Kratochvil and Chris Muir who have both been really supportive in my appointment. Thanks guys.